Love this idea by SwEEts by e - Bite-Size Smores
Or the one done on Cupcake Wars with a graham cracker crust, chocolate cupcake filling and a whipped meringue. I'm sure you could also use a marshmallow cream whipped to add texture and a blow torch is always a fun aspect...

If you want something refreshing a Smores' Pie is always a good idea. Use a graham cracker crust, spread chocolate ice cream in the crust, freeze for a little bit to firm up the ice cream and top with either large marshmallows cut in half or the whipped marshmallow cream idea (or both...) and again, use a blow torch to give it the effect of a Smore. The only hard part for this one is that you would need to add the marshmallows at the end, before serving, otherwise they would get cold and the whole point of a Smore is the combination of textures and temperatures... Also you would need a torch but they can be found pretty inexpensively at a cooking store. You could also do it the way Amy does it by clicking here, it is an extreme version of my simplified one...
Live, Laugh, Love & Enjoy!!!
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