Anywho, Jose took this hilarious picture of Blue and I had to post it for all to see because it will make you laugh :)

So what else is new you ask? Not a whole lot... Sarah's bridal shower will be next week but I don't think I am going to be able to go. I would love to and if we can find a seat that would be great but flying standby can be tricky and sometimes there is room for me and sometimes there is not :( I love Portland but don't want to be stuck there.
Is that all? NO, we are going to NYC in 4 months!!! I can't believe it is actually coming soon!!! I love the fall though so I will try not to let my anticipation overpower the consuming of candy corn and cooking turkey. (Yumm... turkey)
Jose will be starting school again in 2010 so he is kinda excited to get back into it. I am happy for him but I hope he doesn't get too discouraged, as that can happen...
Lastly, after many months of thinking, discussing and pondering, we have decided we will be going to Europe next year! With Jose in school we will be going during the summer, which I hear is the busiest time to go but we are going to do everything we can to make it happen, so Europe and chaos here we come!!! Plus, the way I see it, what isn't fun about being surrounded by familiar languages in a country where we know not the language or customs? If you have any suggestions on places to stay, we are all ears, it is very difficult deciding on places to stay when I don't really know the area... Where are we going, you ask? Well, London, Paris, Rome, Venice, and a bunch of places in between :)
'Till next time!
Live, Laugh, Love
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