So even though yesterday I was feeling icky, I still managed to eat badly. Maybe I was excusing myself because of my head... What ever the reason may be, I have to say that the Blue Cheese Bacon Burger at Wendy's is DELICIOUS! I have been having some weird cravings lately, like green olives, blue cheese and just about anything salty with a bite. Not sure what its all about but I'm ok with it, at least I am not craving sweets so maybe I can kick my addiction this time.
JL and I were discussing smoking. His parents smoke, and have all their lives, so we were trying to calculate how much money they have spent so far in cigarettes, its enough to buy a house! This led to the discussion of addictions in general and how people will sacrifice their own body to make themselves happy or fulfill the urge. This brought up the fact that I may be addicted to sugar. My addiction has all the classic signs: I have to have it every day, I get pleasure from eating it, I think about it multiple times a day and have to stop myself from consuming it every minute of the day and if I don't get it I am angry and frustrated.
So my goal? To not eat candy or any dessert for a whole week. That's right, no ice cream or cookies or candy or cake or CHOCOLATE or fake juice. I am allowing myself fruit and honey for tea and any sugar that might be in the foods I eat now, like in my oatmeal. For the most part though, I will not eat any super sugary treats for a whole week. The next week I may even go further than that and limit my sugar intake but I like the one-step-at-a-time idea.
So for the recipe of the day? Not one that works in my goal but I made it Monday night and it is so yummy I just had to share!

Berry Topping
This is delicious on vanilla ice cream but can be poured over pound cake too!
2 cups frozen berries (you can thaw them but it isn't a must do in case you forget)
1/2 cup sugar (also dependant on the sweetness of the berries)
1 teaspoon of corn starch
In a saucepan over medium heat combine all of the ingredients. Mix until bubbly and the sauce has thickened enough to coat a metal spoon. If it isn't thick enough but it is bubbly, add a little more corn starch. Just let the corn starch activate before adding more and more, otherwise you may have pudding on your hands before you know it!
Do not add water! It may seem like the mixture is too dry but the juices will combine with the sugar and make a delicious syrup.
You can use fresh berries but I find frozen ones are just as good and less expensive here in So Cal.
Live, laugh, love and enjoy!
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