Last time I was at Vons, not my usual store but I like to change it up now and then, I found this oatmeal that I LOVE! It is reasonably priced, full of fiber and delicious with minimal sugar. It is called Muffins old fashioned instant oatmeal and it is super yummy. I bought the blueberry muffin flavor half expecting for little shriveled bits of apple died purple but to my surprise there were dried blueberries in it! Not only that, it isn't over processed and still has a significant amount of fiber per serving in each packet. The best of all is that it is only $1.50 per package of 5 packets!!! Typically Quaker Oats can be as much as $5 per box of 10, so for me this is a deal. If you see it near your tried and true instant oatmeal options, give it a try! They have other options, like a more traditional cinnamon crumble, but it's worth it, trust me.
Other things on the news front... Not too much. I have decided that I really need to take this dieting thing serious, I pretend to be all into it during the day but little things like chocolates find their way into my mouth and I have no self control at this point. Now with things in my life a little less stressful I have no excuse. My excuse for not working out in the morning this week was because of the time change, lame excuse as JL pointed out since I typically have been going to bed earlier now... No more, starting tomorrow I have no excuses! None for my lack of self control or laziness! LOL, are you convinced yet? I don't know if I am.
Just to make it stick, this is my plan: I am going to do a play by play on my blog daily (sorry to all of you who aren't interested) and I will try and make it interesting and witty. I will also include some recipes for healthy meals I made and tricks I do to try and keep the chocolate monster away, very similar to the hunger monster on the WW commercials... This will continue for 1 month, until April 16. I may just continue it after that but I want to start in baby steps, taking it day by day.
Right now I'm listening to Buffett in the office, wishing I was laying somewhere in a hammock with a margarita... Oh well, definitely might indulge tonight.
All: Live, laugh, love
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