Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hello Lovely...

So, as you may know, I have gotten the bug for baking and the only way I will bake is when I can give it to other people so as not to make it possible for me to eat it all myself. JL isn't a big-on-sweets guy unless it is really good, but I can eat anything whether it is fantastic or just ok (I believe I get that from my Mother who would insist we save the crispy cookies for her).

After my early morning blog reads I realized something, how incredibly wonderful it would be to have a Kitchenaid Mixer! There are multiple recipes I have come across that refer to using one but alas I don't have one... I do, however, have a hand mixer that has done well for now so as you can see this is simply a want sort of thing not a need, as of yet.

Then I came across this mixer, I have seen it in the stores and proceeded to pet it and just stare at it in amazement at how gorgeous it is. (I am not weird, just in love with cooking/baking appliances and utensils.) JL typically wanders off at that point or tells me I am being weird :)

Isn't she lovely???

Some day my lovely you will be mine!

Live, Laugh, Love

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